New OSC Bounty Additions, $ Value Changes and Removals

OSC $ Bounties!

As the trend goes for this time of year, we’re now seeing the competition across the League really starting to heat up, as players and fans begin to count down the final weeks until season 2017’s end (Dec 21)! Players are increasing their activity (record numbers of players with over 100 tournaments played this season!), fighting for a chance to qualify for the end of year $10,000+ championship/improved seeding, earning points for their teams in our team championship, or just a better position overall in the World Rankings.

As such, we’re now updating the bounties to add some active high performing players for you to try and take down, increasing the values of others, and removing some who may be less active than previously, or not playing the same main race as previously. There’s still heaps of tournaments left in the season, so happy hunting to all, and hopefully we see some big bounties claimed in the run home!

As of October 25th:
91 bounties ($2765) has been won in season 2017!
All time total bounty winnings: $8780!! (322)



Impact   $40
Reynor    $25
PenguiN   $25
souL  $25
DemiLove  $15
Nice  $15


Zest  ($50)
Scarlett  ($40)
iAsonu  ($30)
iaguz  ($25)
PandaBearMe  ($15)

Change Value:

INnoVation  increased to $100 (was $75)
Neeb  increased to $75 (was $60)
GuMiho   increased to $60 (was $50)
aLive   increased to $40 (was $30)
KeeN   increased to $40 (was $30)
Ryung   increased to $40 (was $30)
Probe  increased to $25 (was $15)
Cyan  increased to $30 (was $25)
Namshar  increased to $30 (was $25)

uThermal  decreased to $40 (was $50)
Seither  decreased to $15 (Was $25)

SCR Bounties:
Legionnaire  $40* *Open to SEA players only
Scan   $40* *Open to non Korean players

Defeat these players in a Bo3+ series in any OSC Partnered tournament and collect the $$!

Open to NA, L.Am, SEA + Chinese players!

All players regardless of region, get 10% of the bounty value in points (eg 10% of a $50 Bounty = 5 bonus points), if that player is higher than them in the current OSC Rankings.

More information regarding Bounties can be found here.

Full Bounty List as of 25th October 2017:

ByuN  $100
INnoVation  $100
Neeb  $75
GuMiho  $60
Solar  $60
herO  $50
Nerchio  $50
Snute  $50
TRUE  $50
aLive  $40
Cham  $40
Impact  $40
KeeN  $40
Kelazhur  $40
Legionnaire (SCR)  $40
Ryung  $40
Scan (SCR)  $40
SpeCial  $40
uThermal  $40
Bly $30
Cyan  $30
PiLiPiLi  $30
Namshar  $30
PenguiN  $25
Probe  $25
Reynor  $25
Semper  $25
souL  $25
Chick  $15
DemiLove  $15
JonSnow  $15
Nice  $15
Seither  $15


OSC Team Championship Rankings at the end of September!

Masters Cup #100 $1000+

OSC Team Championship Rankings at the end of July!

OSC-ROOT Partnership comes to a close.

We are sad to inform OSC-ROOT fans that as of today July 5th 2017, at the conclusion of one years partnership, OSC-ROOT has been dissolved. We part on good terms, unfortunately, as can often be the case, partners involved have different future plans, expectations, and focus in mind going forward, and as such, have elected to mutually part ways at this point.


Assisting players closely and seeing them succeed is a core goal of OSC, and under the OSC-ROOT Partnership we were able to take that to another level, and post dissolution, we will look to replicate a similar model of our own moving forwards!


We are committed to offering financial support to any players left teamless after the OSC-ROOT Partnership. If they’re interested in continuing with us post dissolution under a new title, we’d love it and openly welcome them, while also beginning the search to find new talent to support and represent our community. We’ve already had players commit, so expect to see team and player announcements over the coming days and weeks!


Our understanding is that ROOT GAMING intend to reinstate their SC2 division. We’re sure confirmations of players will be announced on their end in the near future. They are a great group of people, and we wish them every success 🙂 #ROOT4ROOT


We thank all partners, players, fans and other parties who helped make OSC-ROOT the great team it established itself as from July 2016-17 (Currently ranked 1st in OSC Team Championship, and came 1st in Dust League season 4, amongst countless other individual player victories!)

OSC Management.

A look at the OSC World Rankings, Participation leaders + Jan-June Participation winners mid way through season 2017

OSC Team Championship Rankings at the end of May!

The OSC League passes 200 SC2 tournaments for the year, and sets a new monthly record of 56 events!

OSC Team Championship Rankings at the end of April!