Rules, Regulations and Recommendations!
Below are recommendations for Partnered Events, and rules for players within the League.
We have put together the following Rules, Regulations and Recommendations aimed at creating consistency across the 100’s of tournaments that make up the yearly OSC Rankings, and provide a good resource for admins and players if in any doubt.
We trust and support our admins and partners having a level independence with match day decisions, creative freedom for some factors of tournaments (eg region locking, host servers, seeding, format, currency, etc), and the rulings/decisions they make during an event, providing they don’t conflict with or comprise OSC League values and rules. Admins are there to resolve any issues, have their instructions followed, and should be respected. If there is a disagreement which may require further action, this can be explored further post event.
Players are expected to be familiar with and act within league rules. Deliberate attempts to break, bypass or ignore them will result in penalties.
OSC reserves the right to penalize, disqualify or ban individual players who have been found to be in breach of our rules and regulations, or those of our partners.

We recommend using the OSC World Rankings to seed the majority of open bracket events. This system ranks players by their recent/yearly results and activity within the League (500+ tournaments a year), creating a numerical/points value to represent proven champions and consistent performs. Seeding from 1st down to 50th place in the rankings is recommended, which should provide a fair seeding and balanced bracket by identifying proven performers. Seeding beyond or how far past 50th place is up to the individual tournament admins discretion (We don’t expect our admins to seed down to 500th, 1000th, or xth place).
Alternate seeding options are acceptable:
- Seeding by results and activity within a specific tournament franchise or smaller circuit/regional event, despite being within the League, eg Super Series Leaderboards.
- Seeding via aligulac Rankings
- Seeding via previous major/premier results
Random seeding or no seeding isn’t recommend, as may result in lop sided brackets, which isn’t great for professional competitors and regulars, who are paid to play in League events (or those who aspire to be). Additionally there are $10,000’s to be won in prizes and League bonuses, so each tournament counts towards something bigger, and should be held to the same standards as others.
OSC reserves the right to revoke points from any tournaments if they’ve shown deliberate favoritism to certain players/teams, alter their formats post point allocation, penalise players unfairly, or which otherwise don’t meet requirements for points to be allocated.
Format, Maps, Vetos and Race Selection
Players should follow the recommended series length (bo3, bo5, etc) and not play a shorter or longer series without consulting with the admin. If players feel the need to play outside of the recommended series length, they are required to contact the tournament admin, submit a request with their reason why they are requesting a change. A tournament admin can approve players requests if they feel its a valid reason. If not approved, the series result isn’t final until set series length is complete, or a walkover given to one player by the admin.
Games should be played from maps listed in the tournaments specified map pool. Most of the time this would be the current seasons ladder maps. Otherwise the Expanded Tournament Map Pool may be utilized. WCS Gameheart mod can be used, and is encouraged when casters are to join. No other versions of maps/mods are permitted.
If a tournament is looking low on numbers (<16) nearing the end of a tournaments check in stage, the admin can, and is often advised to change the format from single elimination to double, due to logistical and budgetary reasons. If the format is changed, the events Prizepool should remain the same, but the OSC Point distribution may be adjusted slightly to account for extra rounds (eg 3rd/4th place match, 5/6th place, etc). A minimum of 6 Checked In players is required for an event to award OSC Points.
The higher seed (If it’s not indicated/stated by individual tournament brackets/rules refer to OSC World Rankings for highest seed) can nominate who veto’s first.
For Best of 1 Series: Both players take turns to veto 3 maps from the map pool, so there is 1 left, and play the remaining map ABABAB C.
For Best of 3 Series: Both players take turns to veto 2 maps from the map pool, so there is 3 left, then A selects the first map ABAB ABC.
For Best of 5 Series: Both players take turns to veto 1 map from the map pool, so there is 5 left, then A selects the first map AB ABABC
For Best of 7 Series: The highest seed selects the first map to play on, then players take turns to select the order for the remaining maps ABABABC
Players should follow the specified best of x for each round, and not play a short or longer set on their own accord. Later rounds/finals are often set to bo5, as the later stages of events become money matches, and have a far greater OSC Point distribution. Penalties may apply if players cut series short without approval.
In the case of a draw, the game will be replayed on the same map.
In the case of a disconnect, players have 10 minutes to return online OR to contact an admin, failing to do so, the admin can award that map in the series to their opponent. If the player hasn’t returned after an additional 10 mins past map forfeit, a walkover should be given, regardless of where the players are at in a series, as not to delay the tournament further for other players and fans.
If a player returns in a timely fashion post disconnect, the game must be recovered using the same players. Players are not allowed to watch the replay before recovering it. Watching the replay prior to recovery may result in disqualification.
If a players wishes to switch race mid series, and there is no rule forbidding it for the specific tournament franchise, the following is recommended:
Player must inform their opponent they are switching races.
The veto process can then reset for the remaining unplayed maps , and their opponent has first veto.
Eg If switching from P to Z in game 2 of a bo3, the opponent begins at A ABAB ABC. If switching in game 3 of a bo3, the opponent begins at ABAB ABC.
OSC is a global competition, featuring events and players from every region! As such, sadly, ping, latency, and lag, are an unavoidable reality at times. We try and find the best middle ground solution to ensure all are encouraged to compete, and can do so on relatively even footing. This has become harder in LOTV, with the division of NA into 5 servers (US West, US Central, US East, Australia, Brazil), and Asia into 2 (Korea, Taiwan).
Unless a tournament specifies a home server/recommended server (eg Europe or US Central), or players arrange and agree on a server order themselves, the following middle ground is recommended:
KR/SEA/ANZ/CN v EU – US Central
NA v EU (NA tournament) – US East
EU v NA (EU tournament ) – EU
NA v NA – US Central
NA v KR US West
NA vs CN/SEA/ANZ – G1 US West, G2 AU, G3 US W
ANZ vs SEA – G1 AU, G2 SEA, G3 AU
To change your server for NA or Asia in client, click Menu > Options > Language and Region > Region, Preferred Game server
It is the responsibility of individual franchises/tournaments to payout their tournament prizes advertised in a timely fashion.
Should this be delayed beyond 2 months, without communication or explanation to player explaining why, the events OSC Partnership may be suspended until resolved, or removed entirely.
Should a player change their twitch ID, paypal or bank info, that they have been using for an extended duration, it is their responsibility to notify appropriate tournament organizers and admins of relevant changes to ensure continued efficiency and ease of payment.
If a player doesn’t have/can’t create their own paypal or bank account, it is recommended they nominate a family member, friend or teammate to collect on their behalf.
The following currencies are approved/standard for OSC Partnered Events: USD, EUR, AUD, CNY, CAD, NZD, GBP.
- A $ Bounty can be won in a Bo3+ Series in any partnered tournament. (No Bo1’s)
- Bounties can only be claimed by players with an active OSC Elite Rewards Club membership or a 1 month guest pass.
- All players regardless of region, get 10% of the bounty value in scalp points (eg 10% of a $50 Bounty = 5 bonus points), if that player is higher than them in the current OSC Rankings. 10% of 25 = 2.5, 10% of 50 = 5 Values must be in increments of 2.5, thus a bounty of $15 will be rounded up to $2.5, $30 down to 2.5, $40 up to 5, and 60 down to 5
- The Bounty must be currently active.
- Walkovers or incomplete series don’t count as a Bounty win.
- Bounties can only be claimed on the target once per person. No repeat bounties. Claimed Bounties remain active for all other eligible players.
- Some players are ineligible for certain bounties if they have a record of defeating that person once or more in tournaments recent times. Bounties should be an upset or a new win, not someone you’ve beaten many times before.
- The player with the bounty on them must have played their main race throughout the series. (No off racing bounties)
- Players are required to email the relevant replays to [email protected]
- Failure to upload replays or uploading false replays may result in a ban from future tournaments.
- Bounties are in AUD.
Player Behaviour and Expectations
Third party software that provides any sort of advantage for the player using it (such as maphacks, production tab hacks and so on) are not allowed. Using this software will result in an immediate ban from the current event and all future events.
Sportsmanlike behaviour is expected from all participants towards each other, admins, casters, and the event/league. Excessive bad mannered behaviour will result in either a disqualification from the current event, a temporary ban, an OSC Point Penalty, or a lifetime ban from League events, depending on the severity of misbehaviour. It is in the discretion of the tournament admin to determine if a player is to be removed from the current event. To report a player for unsportsmanlike behaviour, please provide proof in form of screenshots and/or replays containing the reported manners. An OSC Review panel will be assembled to assess and judge any severe case.
Players should join the events assigned in game chat channel. They should be playing on an account that matches their primary or registered name, if not should make themselves known to the admin and their opponent. If a player fails to do this, or is otherwise uncontactable, eg laddering during the tournament, it may result in a walkover.
Players should not attempt to ‘smurf’/signup and play under an alternative ID in events that are region locked or catered to lower league players. Penalties will apply if players are found to be deliberately acting in this way.
Players should comply with admin inquires regarding their country, primary/alternate id, race played, or highest league. Failure to do so, could result in removal from the tournament.
Players should report all results to the tournament admin, and not begin their next series without doing so.
If your or alternate bracket account is different from your most known SC2 ID, it is advised that you change it/or notify the admin, as it may hinder your seed, and OSC Points allocation.
If a player wishes to pause in game, they should type pp, then provide reasoning for the pause. The player who pauses must confirm their opponent is ready before unpausing.
Surrendering only counts when using the surrender function in game. Even if your opponent types ‘gg’, continue to play until the victory sign appears.
If a player doesn’t show up for the tournament or arrive within the allocated round walkover time, their opponent will be given a walkover and advanced to the next round. In open bracket events, no penalty will apply for no showing, as there could be a wide range of factors for its occurrence, and we want players to be signing up for tournaments. However, no OSC Points can be won by a player who no shows, even if the player is a in round which allocates points. In order to claim OSC Points, you must have played at least one game in the tournament!
If a player leaves after one game, one series, or at a later stage in a tournament, they will receive participation points and OSC Points for the round they finish up in. We understand sometimes unexpected things come up, or tournaments run longer than expected and may clash with a players previous plans. OSC encourages participation and competition so we want players to signup and play for as long/as far as they can, and not deter doing so. Plus it’s smart to play for points!
Walkovers should be indicated as 99-0, 0-0, or another clearly identifiable way, as not to be confused as a series win, eg 2-0. Failing to correctly identify walkovers, could effect the accuracy of the OSC World Rankings, $ Bonuses/prizes/competitions (eg Bounties, Participation Competitions, etc), or other databases and rankings systems (eg aliqulac).
If a player requests to be added to a bracket past commencement or just misses out on checking in for the tournament, it is up to the individual tournament admin if they would like to replace a no show, with a late replacement player. Unfortunately this might effect perfect seeding, but so does having a walkover. OSC encourages participation and competition, so would recommend allowing replacements if in the first round of walkovers.
Invite and Group Formats
By accepting an invite you are expected to show up and playout all group games on the date and time specified.
If you’re unable to attend a group stage after accepting the invite, you’re required to give 24 hours notice to allow Tournament Organiser and admins a chance to find a replacement, and let your opponents prepare.
If no notice of intent to not play (No show), Tournament Organiser’s can apply for player penalty of 10% of your season OSC Points!
If you’re unable to attend on late notice for legitimate reasons, eg sick, a doctor’s certificate/other relevant documentation will be accepted and no point penalty applied.
If you qualify for another stage/finals, you are expected to be available for those if play in the group stage. If it’s not possible/practical for a Tournament Organiser to find a replacement from a prior stage, they can apply for player penalty of 10% of your season OSC Points!
Tournament Organisers must show evidence of communication to the player of group times and dates in advance of the day if they wish to apply for a player penalty.
Streamed Matches
Casters should set a 2-3 minute delay when streaming live tournament matches.
Unless specified otherwise by an individual tournament or admin, players are welcome to stream their run through an event on their personal stream. However, they should not attach to the teamliquid event (unless they have permission from the tournament organizer), as this is reserved for official casters.
If players are asked by the tournament organizer or admin to have casters join and stream their series, players should comply.
If players are asked to hold their series to wait for casters to finish their current game/join, players should comply.
If players are unsure of official casters for a tournament, they should check with the tournament organizer or admin.
Starting without admin approval when asked to wait, could result in the map/series being reset.
If someone wishes to spectate a tournament match (eg clan mate or friend) this can only be allowed only if BOTH players agree, and the match isn’t being streamed. If there are any concerns with people joining lobbies, contact the tournament admin for clarification.